Category: Creativity

  • Sounding in the New Year!

    Sound Well in the New Year with a Community Music and Wellness Group. I think that many would agree that 2016 has been a challenging year. As we get closer to the end of the year, your thoughts may be trying to figure out ways that you can make 2017 a better one for you.…

  • Music to Bring Light to the Dark: An Interview with Jess Rosario

    Jess Rosario is a singer-songwriter in Longmont, Colorado. She can be found performing around town as both a solo artist, and with various groups. A true lady of “rock and roll,” she and I recently sat down to talk about the role music has played in her life, and her relationship to music. You can…

  • “The Prairie Scholars’” Way: An Interview with Jessica Eppler

    A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of sitting down with my friend, Jessica Eppler of The Prairie Scholars. During our conversation we talked about the role music plays in her life, and her experiences as a full-time musician in Longmont, Colorado. The following pages capture our time together that afternoon: Faith: So… my…

  • Guided by Music: An Interview with Stephanie Bolton

    Stephanie Bolton, MA, MT-BC, is a board-certified music therapist and Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery. She is based in Huntsville, Alabama. Her private practice is called Healing Sounds Music Therapy, and she specializes in the areas of depression, divorce, and anxiety. She is also an author of guided visualization books, including “Diving…

  • A Life in Music: An Interview with Rachelle Norman, MA, MT-BC

    To kick off the March “Women in Music” series, I’m happy to share my recent interview with Rachelle Norman. Rachelle is a board-certified music therapist in the Kansas City area. She is a music therapist through and through, having both a bachelor’s and Master of Arts in music therapy. She focuses her work on eldercare,…

  • A Month of Women and Music: An Interview Series for March

    March is Women’s History Month in the United States. As a way to commemorate, I’ll be sharing a series of special interviews done with some of my female musician friends. Each woman has a different relationship with music, and works with music differently. The inspiration to this series began with my wanting to do something…

  • Being Music: Insights from a Buffalo Drum

    An Invitation to Experience Being Music A few nights ago I was at an event in which we were invited to go on an inward journey with the assistance of a buffalo drum. As I listened to the drumming, I found myself becoming one with it- absorbed and enveloped in the sound waves in a…

  • Inspiration in Solitude

    How often do you feel alone? How often are you actually alone? When you feel alone, what do you do? When you are alone, how do you spend that time? I ask these questions simply to make a distinction between one’s sense of feeling alone, as opposed to being alone. The latter experience of “alone”…

  • Playing with Shadow

    Shadow. What comes to mind when you think of that word? You may envision a shadow that is created when the path of a direct light source is obstructed by a physical object, but what I’d like to share with you today is the psychological understanding of “shadow.” In psychology, shadow is a concept that…

  • Balance Within Resistance

    Balance. For many people this seems to be ever elusive. What does it mean to have balance in one’s life when there are *so many things* to do? Between possible family responsibilities and professional obligations, how does one find time for themselves? And in those perhaps seemingly rare instances when one does find themselves with…